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Patient Services

Our practice is committed to providing the highest quality eye care for our patients using the best technology available. We see patients of all ages and take care of a broad variety of eye conditions.

We provide comprehensive eye care as well as subspecialty corneal services. As a subspecialty eye care provider ourselves, we understand the benefits of subspecialty training and are not shy about consulting others. If your condition requires subspecialty care outside our expertise or you would like a second opinion, we are happy to help you decide if and when consultation with another eye specialist is appropriate. Our office is equipped with a broad array of diagnostics to help assess your eye conditions, including a corneal topographer (to objectively assess the shape of the cornea), a visual field analyzer (to objectively assess peripheral and central vision), and a digital camera (to objectively follow eye conditions).

We take care of a broad range of eye conditions, including:

  • myopia/hyperopia/presbyopia (the need for glasses or contact lenses)
  • eye allergies
  • red eyes
  • eye inflammation
  • eye irritation
  • eye infections
  • styes
  • cataracts
  • diabetic eye problems
  • pterygia
  • glaucoma
  • macular degeneration
  • corneal infections
  • corneal erosions
  • corneal scars
  • corneal dystrophies

amongst other. In addition, we offer subspecialty cornea services to diagnose and treat conditions such as irregular astigmatism, keratoconus, corneal swelling , pseudophakic bullous keratopathy (PBK), Fuchs' dystrophy, and dislocated intra-ocular lenses. If you have any questions about our services, please feel free to call us.